Wednesday, May 30, 2007

blog envy

I'm not very satisfied with my blog. Other people's blogs seem, well, cooler. So, in aid of this, I am now going to compose the coolest post ever. Here goes.

First off, you will note this very nice picture, which was done by Rex Hackelberg, and up-and-coming cartoonist whom John Kricfalusi (Ren and Stimpy creator and my recently-elected hero) has taken under his wing. John credits this kid with keeping real cartoony stuff in his heart, and not going for the souless modern Disney-style stuff. I have to agree with John. If you check out John's blog you will see a world of delightful cartoony stuff and the reflections of a man who truly loves cartoons. In fact it's become my favorite thing to read and look at in the past few weeks. I even flirted with the idea of pursuing cartoons as a possible research field. How cool would a PhD in the cultural analysis of cartoons be? But after link-hopping from John K's site, I realized that the world is full of cartoon buffs and though I love cartoons a lot, I KNOW NOTHING.

Anyway- and I hope you are enjoying this extra-cool post- I just thought I would point out one thing about this kid's illustration. Now, don't get me wrong, I think his illustration is lovely, but...

it was even cooler when Chip and Dale were in it.

I will leave you with one more delight culled off John K's website.

I love this.

Now, you make ask, does putting pieces of other blogs which are cool onto my blog make my blog cool?


1 comment:

RMH said...

Great, now I have to do something really cool with my blog. The pressure....